Wednesday, December 9, 2009

6 year olds,Crayons and lies....

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs recently ridiculed Gallop Poll numbers that show obama's record low approval rating at 47 percent. This is the lowest approval rating of any president in 70 years. G.W. Bush had an 83% approval rating at this point in his presidential career.

It is rather comical to me how Mr Gibbs, born in Auburn Alabama and a North Carolina State grad, uses the Gallop Poll when they benefit the administration. Such as when he quoted Gallup poll numbers to show support for obama's stimulus plan. A plan that put us further into debt and one that most 6 year olds with crayons would have voted no to if given the chance.

Gibbs even sent out the following email to reporters that praised the findings of the Poll

"As President Barack Obama heads to Indiana and Florida over the next two days to sell his economic stimulus plan to a somewhat skeptical Congress, White House and congressional Democrats are moving around new poll data that suggests the public is broadly supportive of the bill.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs sent out an email to reporters this morning touting the data -- from a Gallup survey -- that showed roughly two-thirds of the public approves of the way Obama is handling the passage of the economic stimulus package while just 31 percent say the same of congressional Republicans."

When they speak volumes about the ineffectiveness of obama he likens them to a wildly fluctuating EKG, labeling their results as the equivalent of ‘a 6-year-old with a crayon.'

Now, about obama's speech on job creation at the Brookings Institute.

What can I say? It was more of the same. He used the letter "I" 44 times in this speech and took 5 opportunities to blame current problems on the Bush Administration.

In one instance he says that when he took office, America was 1.8 Trillion in debt. Really? Now we are over 8 trillion in debt! I guess that is Bush's fault also.

He also says this about the TARP program "no program" has been "more necessary" to digging the country out of the economic hole". Hahahaha, are you serious. Have you seen deficit numbers?

He dinged the Bush administration for assembling the TARP program in a way that was "understandably" hasty but not well thought out and noted (obama voted yes to TARP) that his administration had fixed those implementation problems.

I won't bore you with commentary on the whole it is in a nutshell

blame Bush

I inherited a desperate economy

blame Bush

TARP necessary, that's why I supported it, but Bush and Paulson sucked at it.

blame Bush

blame Bush

Deficit a huge problem

blame Bush

But look at this $200 Billion I found! Don't ask how and on whom I'll spend it because it's necessary

blame Bush

Green jobs, hooray!

blame Bush

I run deficits better than Bush!

one last blame Bush

God bless America ...exit stage left.

And Gibbs says Gallop = 6yr old

Seems we have a 6year old ruining this country!!!!

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