Monday, November 30, 2009

Bob Retorts!

I got a call today from a friend saying that bob(left wing,radical person from down the street) had replied to my reply to the column he wrote in the paper. I don't visit his site and I won't expose any of you to it. As a conservative, his rhetoric is enough to make vomiting sound fun. I asked my friend to paraphrase his response. Seems that bob is confused. He has a problem with all that is conservative. If you don't believe as he does then you are wrong. He does not feel you should speak out for what you believe , only so called "progressives" should be allowed to do so. His beliefs undermine "his equality for all" stance that he is always preaching. What he does not get(because he is lead by guilt, sin and the misgivings of those in power) is that the progress he is for will never come from taxing anything and everything we Americans buy, use, do and say. It's plain and simple stupidity to think otherwise. He also points out that democrats did not remove prayer from schools or take the Ten Commandments from government buildings. He points out that the Supreme Court did this. Really, they just came up with this idea and ruled on it? No, democrats cried and whined that it offended them, got it to court and it was then ruled on by democratic judges and the like. He also finds it necessary to point out that Jefferson County and Bessemer were won by obama during the election. Maybe that is why Jefferson county almost went bankrupt and Bessemer has a Mayor who is much like Leapin Larry Langford. Since the democrats have taken office in the area, both city and county governments have taken a turn for the worse. Crime, in the streets and in government have increased rapidly in the modern era in our area. I won't reply to anymore of his personal attacks against me or my beliefs. I'll just let him have all the fun!


Anonymous said...

"If you don't believe as he does then you are wrong. He does not feel you should speak out for what you believe"

wow.. pot.. anyone? you have said the same thing here on your blog... except you said you won't even listen to what anyone who likes obama has to say... or post their comments..

At least 'BOB' has the decency to listen and respond to people who don't agree..

Drew said...

Anonymous, I never said you should not speak out about what you believe! My blog is not the place for your beliefs. You can speak about it whenever or wherever you wish, you can send all the comments you want. Just know they won't be approved. I won't subject the few readers I have to the anti American rhetoric you spew....they see it and hear it enough. This is exactly what I said......Another thing. If you are a left winger, progressive democrat, liberal activist or if you agree with or are happy with the obama administration, this blog is not for you! If you leave comments on this blog they will be deleted and not aproved. I care nothing about being fair to you. The administration you support is not fair to the American people. I hope this pisses you off!

There it is, word for word! I stand by it. I approved your comment to prove that you liberals will bend the truth to fit your cause. You don't have to like what I say and I don't have to like what you say. This is my blog! Start your own if you don't like mine. bob decided to launch a personal attack against me. It was uncalled for and rather childish for him to do so. You said he has the "decency to listen and respond to people who don't agree".....I don't care to! I don't have to show you or anyone else any decency! It certainly was not decent of the one you defend to call me out, was it?

Anonymous said...

That guy needs to leave folks that have sense alone. His bassackwards way of living and thinking are what is wrong with this country today. Keep up the good work Drew, everyone appreciates hearing the truth from a man like yourself who tells the story straight no matter what idiots like him write or think.

Fuzzbucket aka firecat321

Drew said...

Thank you Fuzzbucket!

Anonymous said...

Welcome kind sir.